Chariot Of Gold, whose dam is a half-sister to Klawervlei Stud’s promising sire Pomodoro, showed her class when she landed the Listed Oaks Trial at Turffontein on Saturday.

Trained by Sean Tarry for owners Bernard Kantor, Chris Van Niekerk and Sean Tarry Racing CC, Chariot Of Gold was given a superb front running ride by Lyle Hewitson, who pushed her hard from the wide gate to cut across in front of the field and take the lead early on.
But the pair were not content to sit back and slow it down to take a breather. They kept up a punishing pace that clearly took it out of the chasing pack, for few of them could muster much of a challenge when push came to shove at the end of the race and Chariot Of Gold went on to post a comfortable 1.75 length win.
The Klawervlei Stud bred filly, who was capturing the first feature of her career, now looks a potential contender for the Gr2 Wilgerbosdrift SA Oaks which will be run at Turffontein on May 5th.
Chariot Of Gold, who was a R1 000 000 purchase from the 2016 Emperors Palace Select Yearling Sale, is out of the Jallad mare Quest For Gold. The latter won seven including the Listed Spook Express Handicap and is one of four stakes horses produced by Gr2 Gosforth Park Fillies Guineas winner and Broodmare Of The Year Golden Apple. The latter is best known as the dam of multiple Gr1 winner Pomodoro, who is currently South Africa’s second Leading First Crop Sire by stakes.
Pomodoro, whose daughter Return Flight made a smart debut when finishing second at Turffontein on Saturday, has made a commendable start to his stud career. The 2012 Vodacom Durban July winner has been represented by eight first crop 2yos to have won or finished in the money, with Pomodoro’s early high class performers including Kuda Sprint second Cirillo and Listed Storm Bird Stakes runner up Royal Italian. Another son, Opensea, caught the eye when landing a barrier trial in smart fashion.
Pomodoro has 15 yearlings on this month’s April Yearling Sale.